ESA title
Global Space Economic Workshop

Global Space Economic Workshop [Oct/2017]

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The Global Space Economic Workshop, organised by the European Space Agency, brings together leaders of major space and non-space European stakeholders from institutions and commercial sectors, to interactively discuss space-led innovation opportunities and challenges offered by the on-going transformations driven by the digital economy and the current and future trends in the global market.

Participants will discuss from diverse angles the unfolding forthcoming industrial revolution of manufacturing and services and above all how global industry and space can join forces to tackle global challenges arising from the fast evolution of processes, the move towards digitalised production methods, and the development of completely new business models.

Moreover, several splinter sessions will be organised with the participation of experts including high level representatives of major space and non-space industries, academia, ESA and other European Institutions to discuss new cross-cultural partnerships and to promote disruptive innovation addressing global challenges.

Design your Challenge

Is your company facing big technological challenges and looking for disruptive solutions?

ESA has a new tool to help you: the ESA Grand Challenge, an inducement prize mechanism tailored to support cost-effective R&D, foster innovation and encourage entrepreneurship.

The ESA Grand Challenge offers you access to a large community of problem solvers that goes well beyond the traditional approaches and know-how of your R&D department triggering the space community and industry into coming up with unorthodox or disruptive solutions to some of society’s current and future challenges, be they technical, scientific or societal.

Enhance the visibility of your business by associating your brand to space and to ESA through its media partners.

Share your ideas for challenges and help set the agenda of Space 4.0. by joining CEOs, and leaders of major space and non-space stakeholders. 

For further information on the ESA Grand Challenge initiative and particularly on the topic under investigation, visit the dedicated page on the ESA website:

Stay informed of the latest developments by following us on Twitter @ESASpaceEconomy

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