ESA title
Financing SMEs: options for SMEs and Midcaps in Europe

Financing SMEs: options for SMEs and Midcaps in Europe [Mar/2021]

Beginning of 2021, representatives of ESA, EC, European Investment Bank and European Investment Fund have announced new initiatives that show a strong will to support the growth of space start-ups, SMEs and mid-caps through innovative funding and financial instruments. Growth areas include climate change solutions, transformative digital services, safety and security, to name but a few. These funding and financing instruments will accompany space SMEs and midcaps over the next 3 to 7 years. In this context, the "Financing space: options for SMEs & midcaps in Europe" conference which took place on the 11th of February 2021 co-organised by ESA and the EIB Advisory offered to these companies:

- an overview of existing and upcoming financial instruments, be they institutional or private, European or national, covering a diverse range of financing needs for SMEs and midcaps (grants & equity, risk capital, venture debt, loans). The presentations focussed on the customer-facing end of these instruments, on eligibility criteria and on channels to access them.

- a map of the financing ecosystem which covers space. Currently, most financial instruments are not specific only to space, and some have just begun to be implemented. However, a number of financial instruments include space among other technologies they cover. Considering the difficulties for SME and midcaps face in finding their way in this complex landscape, this conference helped participants to better understand who is who and what is what when it comes to financing space, depending on their needs (risk capital or loans).

- hands-on examples. Investors presented hands-on examples to illustrate the scope of the instruments.

To learn more about this event and access the Programme and the presentation, please click here.

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